Stay safe wherever you go in the US

Free alerts for crime risk, natural disasters and more.

Local risk assessments on the go

Check if you're potentially exposed to Crime, Air pollution, Storms, Earthquakes and more

Risk Explorer

Stay safe by freely exploring risks for crime, floods, storms, wildfire and earthquakes in the US from your phone.

Augurisk Now - Crime Risk Assessment

Augurisk Now - Coronavirus Risk Assessment

Risk Assessments

Get detailed risk assessments for your property right from your phone. Includes environmental and societal risk assessments, crime, floods, storms, wildfires and earthquakes. Use tools such as white label reports, benchmarks and portfolio views.

Localized Crime Risk Assessment

Get notified if you enter a dangerous area. Our crime risk score is defined by a machine learning algorithm - based on hundreds of sociodemographic variables - which has achieved 77% accuracy during our tests. Methodological details can be found in our peer-reviewed scientific paper, here

Augurisk Now - Crime Risk Assessment

Augurisk Now - Coronavirus Risk Assessment

Coronavirus Report (only on Web)

Get reports on the Coronavirus progression in your county, compared to the rest of the US. The Coronavirus Report score and data are based on the progression of the pandemic for the past 10 days.

Natural Disaster Risk Exposure

Be notified if you're exposed to a high natural hazard disaster threat. Augurisk now includes Storm events, floods, earthquakes and wildfires. The risk scores have been carefully developed by our team of scientists.

Augurisk Societal View Dashboard

Augurisk API Page

Emergency Numbers

Quickly reach emergency numbers, and nearby local police departments and hospitals in your vicinity, in case of an emergency.

Download Augurisk now for free

Get Augurisk Now and start monitoring your risk exposure while on the move.